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Greens - A to K
AG25 - 25" Aloe Grass Bundle - 6.45 ea, 5.95/12
AB16 - 16" Aloe Vera Bush - 6.50 ea, 6.25/6
AV88 - 9" Aloe Vera Plant - 3.45 ea, 3.20/36
BS5 - 5' Bamboo Spray - 9.25 ea, 8.50/12
BS7 - 7' Bamboo Spray - 12.95 ea, 12.45/12
BB - 15" Bamboo Branch - 1.25 ea, 1.05/12
BP31 - 31" Banana Leaf - 3.25 ea, 2.90/48
BL43 - 43" Banana Leaf - 3.65 ea, 3.40/12
BB10 - 17" Coleus Bush - 4.55 ea, 4.30/12
X941 - 6' Bay Leaf Garland - 24.95 ea
3075 - 50" Bean Leaf Branch - 6.95 ea, 6.55/24
B890 - 17" Plastic Berry Bush - 6.70 ea, 6.40/12
HB96 - 36" Hanging Pot-Peppy Berry Leaf - 21.85 ea
HB25 - 24" Chinaroot Greenbrier Hanging Basket - 12.65 ea
FB250 - 20.5" Fern Bush x 3 - 5.75 ea, 5.40/12
MB94 - 14" Grass/Cypress Bouquet - 8.60 ea, 8.35/12
BG90 - 6' Mini Boxwood Garland - 12.75 ea
BG84 - 6' Large Boxwood Garland - 5.95 ea
BP21 - Plastic Boxwood Pick - .60 ea, .48/12, .38/288
BH20 - Curved Boxwood Hedge - 145.60 ea
4512 - 12 x 12" Grass Mat - 8.75 ea, 8.45/12
8090 - 12 x 12" Wheat Grass Mat - 28.60 ea
FB26 - 26" Fern Branch - 2.60 ea, 2.35/36
CL1 - 14" Calla Lily Leaf - .45 ea, .35/12
CCB20 - 20" Plastic Carex Cruciata - 5.95 ea, 5.75/12
CP20 - 14" Chlorophytum Plant - 5.60 ea, 5.30/24
CG98 - 6' cotton Wood Garland - 6.60 ea, 6.30/6
DM15 - 11" Dusty Millar Plant - 5.10 ea, 4.90/12
E213 - 6" Echeveria Pick - 5.95 ea, 5.70/12
EB11 - 10" Plastic Eucalyptus Bush - 4.05 ea, 3.55/24
EB20 - 10" Dusty Green Eucalyptus Bush - 1.95 ea, 1.75/24
EB14 - 13" Mini Eucalyptus Bush - 3.55 ea
EB17 - 17" Eucalyptus Bush - 3.60 ea, 3.25/24
EB13 - 13" Eucalyptus White Wash Bush - 5.10 ea
EG6 - 6' Eucalyptus White Wash Garland - 8.60 ea, 8.40/6
FS38 - 34" Plastic Fern Spray - 7.85 ea, 7.35/12
FS18 - 17" Ficus Spray - .75 ea, .60/12
FS36 - 34" Ficus Spray - 5.45 ea, 5.15/36
FC41 - 40" Curly Ficus Vine - 10.95 ea
F325 - 32" Fox Tail Spray - 1.85 ea, 1.60/12
GL1 - 14" Galax Leaf - .50 ea, .45/12
GG38 - 6' Deluxe Grape Leaf Garland - 19.50 ea
SG99 - 14" Grass with Pink Flowers - 4.10 ea, 3.89/36
1482 - 37" PVC Grass Spray - 2.85 ea, 2.60/12
WG37 - 33" Plastic Grass Spray - 4.30 ea, 4.00/12
H53 - 53" Hoya Spray - 6.15 ea
IF81 - 39" Italia Fir Hanging Plant - 11.50 ea
IV24 - 22" Ivy Stem - 1.75 ea, 1.50/24
IB89 - 17" English Ivy Bush - 11.25 ea, 10.35/6
GI58 - 16" Grape Ivy Bush - 8.40 ea, 8.10/12
GI159 - 36" Grape Ivy Hanger - 12.60 ea, 12.25/6
IV47 - 15" Ivy Bush - 8.40 ea, 8.10/12
IV35 - 35" Hanging Ivy Bush - 15.60 ea
IG24 - 6' Ivy Garland - 5.95 ea, 5.45/6
IV32 - 32" English Ivy Spray - 3.15 ea, 2.85/12
KS2 - Small Kale Stem - 3.30 ea, 2.95/24